Rev. Maryum Karen Morse
Senior Minister

Rev. Maryum Karen Morse
Ministro principal
487 N. Turnpike Rd.
Santa Bárbara, CA 93111
Oración por la abundancia
Sé que solo hay una vida, una esencia Divina que es Espíritu puro, y sé que esa es también mi vida. Esta vida es alegría, amor, paz y abundancia. Por tanto, la abundancia es natural y puramente mía.
Sé que encarno estas cualidades y, a medida que las doy al mundo, vuelven a mí multiplicadas.

So, my life out pictures as well-being in my mind, in my body and in my spirit. All of me only knows wholeness and complete wellness. Every part of me is rooted in Grace and is working in perfect order.
How sweet it is to know that this is my truth. I am vibrant with whole health. I have energy to spare. My mind works in complete harmony with the Divine, therefore I know joy, ease and brilliant health and well-being.
How good it is to be. How great God is and how amazing I feel in this moment here and now. My perfect health is expressing as this life.
I am so grateful to know Spirit is vibrating this truth for me.
I release this word into the Law knowing all is well. and so it is.
- Roxy Angel Superstar, RScP.