Rev. Maryum Karen Morse
Senior Minister

Rev. Maryum Karen Morse
Ministro principal
487 N. Turnpike Rd.
Santa Bárbara, CA 93111
Oración por la abundancia
Sé que solo hay una vida, una esencia Divina que es Espíritu puro, y sé que esa es también mi vida. Esta vida es alegría, amor, paz y abundancia. Por tanto, la abundancia es natural y puramente mía.
Sé que encarno estas cualidades y, a medida que las doy al mundo, vuelven a mí multiplicadas.

I call forth a blessing upon myself and all people that I interact with. I accept and embody the Love, the Peace and the True Understanding and Compassion of God throughout all my interactions and relationships in my life. Joy, harmony and love become the foundation in my relationships. As I experience this ease within my heart, it spreads through my interactions with my boss, parents, partnerships and intimate relationships.
I am so grateful for this truth. I delight in this abiding sense of Oneness and do whatever I can to foster this peace and harmony within all I do, say and think. Divine Guidance and Peace is my birthright and it reverberates throughout every single relationship I am a part of.
Thank you Mother-Father God. I release and let go. I release and let God.
And So It Is. Amen.
- Roxy Angel Superstar, RScP.