Rev. Maryum Karen Morse
Senior Minister
487 N. Turnpike Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Prayer for Divorce
The wind of change surrounds all life. All life is radiant with God’s Spirit. This life is my life now. I am filled with wholeness, oneness and I am an integral part of all Life.
As I disengage the part of my life I shared with my spouse, my lover and friend, I know and claim that the Divine is still with us both. We are now guided always towards what fulfills our divine possibility in Spirit.
I am furnished with the full supply and support of the Divine throughout all areas of my life.
Divine Love heals and fills all the nooks and crannies of my being. I vibrate the wholeness and completion that is the God’s blueprint for my existence. I walk strongly and powerfully into a new and magnificent relationship with God and myself. As my former mate moves on in my rear view mirror, I know I am enveloped in the healing love of the most High.
I know and claim God’s grace throughout every area of this new life. How good it is to know that I walk with God into new vistas that are tailor made for my happiness and fulfillment. I move with a whole heart and I know that all relationships I have are imbued with the purest love, gentleness and respect that is my birthright. I release all discord and strife. I embrace the peace beyond all understanding. I gladly surrender to the fullest expression of divine love as my life.
It is with gratitude I place these words into the Divine to be made manifest and whole. I release and let go. I release and let God.
And so it is! Amen.
- Roxy Angel Superstar, RScP.