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Prayer for Joy

God is All. All is God. Divine Love works on all beings, all situations, all within the time-space continuum. This is Divine Love. This is Divine Joy. This is Divine Fulfillment.

As I am immersed in the Essence of the Divine, so, too, are you. Joy abounds. Love is everywhere. We look at the trees and see love. We feel Joy. The flowers bestow a satisfaction for their aesthetic beauty.

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The clouds move and form pictures for us in the sky, tickling the imagination. Our senses of sight, smell, and sound are enhanced as we peruse the wonders of the natural things around us that the Earth has birthed. 

I affirm that we see Joy in so many more people, places, and things than ever before. 

It is in great gratitude that these words for Joy are spoken.

I send them out into the Universe to be made manifest for us in our lives
now. I release and let go. I release and let God.


And so it is. Amen.

-Lily S. Cree, RScP

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