Rev. Maryum Karen Morse
Senior Minister

487 N. Turnpike Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Prayer for Soul Mate
God is Love expressing Itself in and through me. There is no point within or without that is not connected with Divine Spirit.
Good expresses Itself through my words, thoughts and deeds. With God I co-create loving relationship with myself and the partner that is mine to share companionship with.

God fills my heart, drawing to me loving communion, acceptance and deep connection with someone who mirrors the same qualities. This partnership is harmonious, and our communication is genuine, filled with compassion and understanding that is interwoven through every contact. There is a deep gratitude, respect and ever-growing faith, as the holiness within reveals God through one another.. God guides and directs all aspects in this relationship. There is ease, peace, grace and fulfillment expressed and shared. Love continues to grow and expand through every action and thought, because there is pure acceptance of this Love being All that I am and all that we are.
I am so very grateful for this knowledge. I am so grateful that Spirit draws into my experience everything that supports this intention. I release my word into the Law confident and fully accepting that it is so beautifully executed by Spirit.
Thank you God for the increase of Love here and now. I am so blessed as I release and let go and so it is.
-Roxy Angel Superstar, RScP