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Prayer for Support

God is my light, my hope, my support. Every breath I take and every move I make, I am fortified by the love of God.  I am one with Divine Unity. I have wholeness and I know that God has got my back.  

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There are no impediments to my progress in God. The right people, the right actions and the right decisions unfold on my behalf. The Divine Mind is one with my mind, so that all decisions lead to my success. 

I never walk alone. The Universe provides everything I need for my expansion and growth. My mind is filled with inspiration when I need it. My path is filled with guidance and support. I am eternally evolving into my greatest yet to be and supported each and every step of the way.

How good it is to know this truth. To feel Divine support coming to me from every direction just when I need it. How grateful I am to know I am loved and guided by God. How well provided I am and how moved I am.

It is with deep gratitude that I release these words to rest and be made manifest by God, through me, as me.  I surrender and I am made whole.
And so it is, Amen
-    Roxy Angel Superstar, RScP.

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